
Meet new people, be active, learn new skills and just have fun by playing in an intramural game!

Grab some neighbors, friends in your organization, or new friends to create your Intramural team! 我们相信公平竞争, 尊重, 安全, 包容性, and healthy competition strengthens the Monarch community and enhances the college experience.

我们知道这对你来说可能是一次全新的体验,但没关系! 我们欢迎初学者,并为你尝试不同的东西而鼓掌. 干得好! 校内活动包括游戏 & 联赛,比赛,和特殊事件. Some activities may be offered in one or all of these formats during the academic year. 请看下面的详细解释!

游戏 & 联盟

League teams will play 3-4 regular season games and then play in a single-elimination playoff bracket.


Teams or individuals are placed in brackets and play in contests on multiple days over 1-2 weeks.


One-day special event activities or tournaments in various activities.

  • 政策 & 行为准则
  • 挑战 & 上诉
  • 程序结构 & 格式
  • 公平竞争和尊重准则 & 评级
  • & 更多的


校内游戏是君主之旅的重要组成部分! 游戏是免费的,很容易加入. 只需创建一个帐户 IM联盟 与您的ODU电子邮件, 验证您的电子邮件, 然后登录注册游戏, 创建你的团队, 选择你的比赛时间表, 和更多的!



Each activity may be separated into specific leagues based on skill level, 性别, 或者参与要求.

  • C联盟: This league is for teams and participants that want to play for fun and aren't highly skilled.
  • 乙联赛: 这个联盟竞争激烈,技术水平一般.
  • 一个联盟: 这个联赛本质上是高度竞争的,技术上是先进的.
  • Co-Rec: Teams in this league will be comprised of both female and male participants. 男女比例因运动项目而异. (Co-Rec leagues may also have A, B, and C leagues for various skill levels.)
  • 女性: 这个联赛只允许女性参加. 姐妹会将参加这个联盟.
  • 希腊: 这个联盟对兄弟会开放. For sports with less availability, fraternities may be limited to 1 team per sport.
  • 开放: 公开联赛, 比赛, or Event is one that does not have any restriction on 性别 participation ratio.

一些联盟的变化可能会发生在季后赛或其他事件. 详见《bet8体育娱乐入口》.

所有参与者必须在imleagues上创建一个帐户.com/odu报名参加ODU校内体育活动. Once your account is created you will be able to log-in to view all of our program offerings. The initial log-in attempt will re-route you to the RecWell Portal to verify your status as a student, 教师, 或者工作人员. Click the blue bar that says, "ODU MIDAS ID" to input your MIDAS username and password.


When registering for team leagues and tournaments the captain may create a team name for their team's designation. Please be creative, we encourage unique team names with the following stipulations:

  • 不得使用粗俗、亵渎或贬损的语言
  • 不允许使用违反规则的简写、首字母缩写或俚语
  • 没有提到毒品、酒精、烟草或暴力
  • 没有性暗示
  • 没有混淆的术语,如BYE,没收,或取消等.

请注意, teams will not be allowed to compete while wearing team apparel with inappropriate names or pictures.


Teams can join the "Waitlist" if they are under the required number to participate and look to add Free Agents. 如果只有一个人感兴趣, they too can sign up as Free Agents and may be added or placed on a team.


We strive to create an inclusive and barrier-free environment for all participants. When creating an IM联盟 account, all participants are asked to declare a 性别 identity. We support participants' right to play in sports and leagues that are consistent with their 性别 expression and identity. If you wish to alter the 性别 identity on your account profile after it has been created, 您必须在IM联盟的“帐户”部分这样做.com 之前 在现场观看比赛. 滥用这一政策将导致严厉的纪律处分. 详见《bet8体育娱乐入口》.



  • 通过IM联盟联系队长.com
  • 加入正在寻找球员的球队
  • 等队长跟你联系
  • Showing up at venue during the regular season and asking to join a team which you are eligible for

There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a team, but we hope you try!


校内体育项目包括在俄勒冈州立大学的学费中! The only exception to this policy is golf due to the use of an external facility.


For most of the activities we offer, all necessary equipment will be provided. Several activities will require personal equipment brought by each player, 比如足球的护胫和高尔夫球的球杆.

Please review the specific rules and policies for any activity to determine what equipment is needed and what attire is allowed to be worn during games.

  • ODU的学生
    Must be enrolled continuously in 3 credit hours at ODU for the current semester.
  • ODU教员 & 工作人员
  • EVMS学生会员

玩家必须出示有效的大学证件才能参加游戏. 参与不需要经验!

  • 配偶或伴侣 合资格的会员
  • 校友或以前的学生
  • 社区成员 具有有效的SRC会员资格
  • 职业运动员
    Participants with professional experience will be ineligible for five (5) years from the date professional career ended. (不包括职业球队的选拔赛)
  • 客人 & 游客
    Day Passes are NOT considered valid memberships for participation in 校内的.
  • 某些运动员
    一些体育俱乐部成员,大学运动员等. 可能不符合资格. 详见花名册规则.
  • Players must be listed on the team roster on IM联盟 at game time to be signed-in.
  • 玩家在为球队打了一场比赛后不能离开球队.
  • Players CANNOT be added to a roster once the regular season has ended.
  • 一名球员只能代表一(1)支单性别球队参赛, 一个(1)希腊联赛队, 和一个(1)在一个运动赛季的Co-Rec队.
  • 队伍不能超过指定项目的名单限制.
  • 现任校队运动员

    • Current members of ODU varsity roster are not eligible to compete in the same, 或类似的, intramural sport(s) to the one(s) in which they compete at the varsity level.
    • Individuals who are trying out for an intercollegiate team but who are not on a permanent roster will be permitted to participate in that intramural sport until they are placed on a permanent roster, 在那个时候, 他们没有资格.
    • Red shirted athletes or anyone who practices with a team regularly but does not participate in intercollegiate competition will not be eligible to play that same 或者相关的运动.
  • 前大学运动员
    • 任何运动员, 来自任何机构, will be ineligible to compete in that sport for the current academic school year that runs from August-July. Such individuals are limited to one (1) player per team roster after their eligibility is restored.
  • 希腊联赛
    • 参与者必须是兄弟会的积极成员才有资格.
    • If an organization has multiple teams, players may not be moved to and from teams.
  • 体育俱乐部会员
    • Intramural rosters limit the number of Club Sport members from a sport, 或者相关的运动, 在一个队伍中确保公平竞争.
    • 两(2)名体育俱乐部成员参加单性别运动.
    • 三(3)体育俱乐部会员,参加共同康乐运动. 如果有三(3),必须有另一(1)性别.


Each activity may be separated into specific leagues based on skill level, 性别, 或者参与要求.

  • C联盟: This league is for teams and participants that want to play for fun and aren't highly skilled.
  • 乙联赛: 这个联盟竞争激烈,技术水平一般.
  • 一个联盟: 这个联赛本质上是高度竞争的,技术上是先进的.
  • Co-Rec: Teams in this league will be comprised of both female and male participants. 男女比例因运动项目而异. (Co-Rec leagues may also have A, B, and C leagues for various skill levels.)
  • 女性: 这个联赛只允许女性参加. 姐妹会将参加这个联盟.
  • 希腊: 这个联盟对兄弟会开放. For sports with less availability, fraternities may be limited to 1 team per sport.
  • 开放: 公开联赛, 比赛, or Event is one that does not have any restriction on 性别 participation ratio.

一些联盟的变化可能会发生在季后赛或其他事件. 详见《bet8体育娱乐入口》.

所有参与者必须在imleagues上创建一个帐户.com/odu报名参加ODU校内体育活动. Once your account is created you will be able to log-in to view all of our program offerings. The initial log-in attempt will re-route you to the RecWell Portal to verify your status as a student, 教师, 或者工作人员. Click the blue bar that says, "ODU MIDAS ID" to input your MIDAS username and password.


When registering for team leagues and tournaments the captain may create a team name for their team's designation. Please be creative, we encourage unique team names with the following stipulations:

  • 不得使用粗俗、亵渎或贬损的语言
  • 不允许使用违反规则的简写、首字母缩写或俚语
  • 没有提到毒品、酒精、烟草或暴力
  • 没有性暗示
  • 没有混淆的术语,如BYE,没收,或取消等.

请注意, teams will not be allowed to compete while wearing team apparel with inappropriate names or pictures.


Teams can join the "Waitlist" if they are under the required number to participate and look to add Free Agents. 如果只有一个人感兴趣, they too can sign up as Free Agents and may be added or placed on a team.


We strive to create an inclusive and barrier-free environment for all participants. When creating an IM联盟 account, all participants are asked to declare a 性别 identity. We support participants' right to play in sports and leagues that are consistent with their 性别 expression and identity. If you wish to alter the 性别 identity on your account profile after it has been created, 您必须在IM联盟的“帐户”部分这样做.com 之前 在现场观看比赛. 滥用这一政策将导致严厉的纪律处分. 详见《bet8体育娱乐入口》.



  • 通过IM联盟联系队长.com
  • 加入正在寻找球员的球队
  • 等队长跟你联系
  • Showing up at venue during the regular season and asking to join a team which you are eligible for

There is no guarantee that you will be placed on a team, but we hope you try!


校内体育项目包括在俄勒冈州立大学的学费中! The only exception to this policy is golf due to the use of an external facility.


For most of the activities we offer, all necessary equipment will be provided. Several activities will require personal equipment brought by each player, 比如足球的护胫和高尔夫球的球杆.

Please review the specific rules and policies for any activity to determine what equipment is needed and what attire is allowed to be worn during games.

  • ODU的学生
    Must be enrolled continuously in 3 credit hours at ODU for the current semester.
  • ODU教员 & 工作人员
  • EVMS学生会员

玩家必须出示有效的大学证件才能参加游戏. 参与不需要经验!

  • 配偶或伴侣 合资格的会员
  • 校友或以前的学生
  • 社区成员 具有有效的SRC会员资格
  • 职业运动员
    Participants with professional experience will be ineligible for five (5) years from the date professional career ended. (不包括职业球队的选拔赛)
  • 客人 & 游客
    Day Passes are NOT considered valid memberships for participation in 校内的.
  • 某些运动员
    一些体育俱乐部成员,大学运动员等. 可能不符合资格. 详见花名册规则.

  • Players must be listed on the team roster on IM联盟 at game time to be signed-in.
  • 玩家在为球队打了一场比赛后不能离开球队.
  • Players CANNOT be added to a roster once the regular season has ended.
  • 一名球员只能代表一(1)支单性别球队参赛, 一个(1)希腊联赛队, 和一个(1)在一个运动赛季的Co-Rec队.
  • 队伍不能超过指定项目的名单限制.
  • 现任校队运动员

    • Current members of ODU varsity roster are not eligible to compete in the same, 或类似的, intramural sport(s) to the one(s) in which they compete at the varsity level.
    • Individuals who are trying out for an intercollegiate team but who are not on a permanent roster will be permitted to participate in that intramural sport until they are placed on a permanent roster, 在那个时候, 他们没有资格.
    • Red shirted athletes or anyone who practices with a team regularly but does not participate in intercollegiate competition will not be eligible to play that same 或者相关的运动.
  • 前大学运动员
    • 任何运动员, 来自任何机构, will be ineligible to compete in that sport for the current academic school year that runs from August-July. Such individuals are limited to one (1) player per team roster after their eligibility is restored.
  • 希腊联赛
    • 参与者必须是兄弟会的积极成员才有资格.
    • If an organization has multiple teams, players may not be moved to and from teams.
  • 体育俱乐部会员
    • Intramural rosters limit the number of Club Sport members from a sport, 或者相关的运动, 在一个队伍中确保公平竞争.
    • 两(2)名体育俱乐部成员参加单性别运动.
    • 三(3)体育俱乐部会员,参加共同康乐运动. 如果有三(3),必须有另一(1)性别.